Evaluation Question 6

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing my magazine I came across many different technological platforms which were beneficial towards creating my final design.  I have used applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. I discovered that using these applications enhanced the quality of my work and created a more professional finish to my visual ideas.

Within Photoshop I used a variety of different tools to tie my magazine piece together, one of the most significant tools I used was the 'Quick Selection' tool. For this step I used YouTube to teach myself how to cut out my image neatly. It made it easier to cut around specific conventions such as my main image to create the unique double exposure effect, it created an authentic perspective for my magazine since all the big industries also use Photoshop. I also used Photoshop as a platform to create my entire magazine, I found it to be the easiest and most efficient application compared to the others.

Another application that I used was Microsoft PowerPoint, simply for my evaluation when creating annotations onto my work. This is a simple and easy way of presenting work as it was the one I am most familiar with.

Overall I believe that using these applications I was able to create a unique, independent piece of work and ensured that I attracted my audience to my full potential. Even though all of the retouching and skills I developed was time consuming I have now gained more knowledge around these applications and will be able to use them multiple times in the future. 


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