
Evaluation Question 7

Question 7:  Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full magazine? Compared to my music magazine for my preliminary task I didn't plan what it would look like. I believe that my preliminary task reflected my skills and gave an idea of how well I was going to do for my final production. Both front cover and contents page of my school magazine were simple and presentable. Compared to my music magazine the colours and fonts used we basic and not eye-caching. Whereas my main magazine has a range of colours and interesting fonts.      

Evaluation Question 6

Question 6:  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? During the process of constructing my magazine I came across many different technological platforms which were beneficial towards creating my final design.  I have used applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. I discovered that using these applications enhanced the quality of my work and created a more professional finish to my visual ideas. Within Photoshop I used a variety of different tools to tie my magazine piece together, one of the most significant tools I used was the  'Quick Selection'  tool. For this step I used YouTube to teach myself how to cut out my image neatly. It made it easier to cut around specific conventions such as my main image to create the unique double exposure effect, it created an authentic perspective for my magazine since all the big industries also use Photoshop. I also used Photoshop as a platform t

Evaluation Question 4&5

Question 4:  Who would be the audience for your media products Question 5:  How did you attract/address your audience? My target audience consists of both males and females within the age group of 16-23 year olds. People within this age group will mainly be studying or working part-time.Due to these factors I decided to price my magazine at £2.99 in order for it to be as affordable as possible. Although my magazine is aimed at both genders, some characteristics are more female based, an example of this would be the more feminine colours used or the image of a young female. My magazine will appeal to both genders due to the artists within this genre varying between the two. 

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3:  What kind of media institution (publisher) might distribute your media product and why? From the very beginning of my production I was aiming for my magazine to be independent. I want to be in full control over what I publish, rather than have someone tell me what to do. I feel that my audience would much appreciate and would prefer if my magazine is independent, that is because of the target audience and the music genre.   Much like The Wire magazine my magazine focuses on  various types of  experimental music but mainly alternative rock/indie/pop/electronic.

Evaluation Question 2

Question 2:  How does your media product represent particular social groups? Within my magazine I constantly kept my target audience in mind as I believe that it's key to creating a successful magazine. Since the Indie genre is all based around good vibes and living wild I decided to use a black and white image of mountains peaks this gives a sense of peace and care free since its a natural source to life.  When choosing my model and the outfit I wanted her to wear outdoor clothing to reflect her surroundings and portray her as being an adventurous individual.Since she is in the age band herself I feel like this would attract the target audience more as it would draw attention to the younger generation. This also links with the content inside my magazine and also in other Indie based magazines, a majority of the artists are young who have began their careers alone and successfully achieved. I made sure that I used different shots of my models from different angles to k

Evaluation Question 1

Question 1:  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products My magazine conforms to the alternative rock/indie pop/electronic genre, my target audience consists of both males and females aged 16-23. The image used for the front cover is a mid shot. I have placed the image on right hand side so that the cover-lines are visible. This conforms to the conventions of 'LOVE' magazine portraying Adele, but on the other side. The colour scheme focuses on the use of pastel colours such as orange,pink and blue. The use of these colours highlight the innocence portrayed throughout the music genre. This is clearly evident in the Love magazine featuring Cher. This contrasts with the monochromatic tone present in the background of the main image. I conformed to the conventions present in Wire Magazine as I placed the barcode on the bottom right corner. This gives a sense of professionalism to my work and allows the audien