Analysing whole magazine - cover, contents page, editor's letter, double page spread

Dave Grohl the singer/guitarist and the leader of the rock band ‘Foo Fighters’ is placed on the centre right of the magazine cover. The picture taken is medium shot at a low angle, he is bigger and more towards the front compared to his band members which clearly emphasises his position as a band ‘leader’. The band members are wearing mostly black and dark colours also grey and denim, which is typical for a rock band but still modern and casual rather than ‘KISS’ excessive style. The colour of their clothing also doesn’t distract the colours of the coverlines.

The colour scheme of white, grey, black and red all contrast between each other which makes the cover clear to read and look at without confusion as all of these colours can work on top of each other.

The coverlines are clear because of the colours and the font used. The main article about Foo Fighters is in a bigger font compared to the other articles. It talks about their new album and it expressing Dave’s past as quoted “I had another life years ago, it was turned upside down”. From this we can tell this article is more serious and sad which makes the audience more intrigued to it compared to just another gossip article “Noel returns! ...but is he really talking to Liam?”


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